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Name a star after your loved one and get it framed with constellation chart and location of the star.
You’ve dedicated songs on radio. What if we told you that you can dedicate an entire radio show to someone?
Surprise an awesome person with a coffee mug that is customised with all the things which define him/her.
Spell the name of your loved ones with their pictures and make a simple collage seem like so much more.
Get a tree planted on someone’s behalf as a gift and make your gift grow stronger with every passing year.
Use your favourite pictures with your loved one to create this perfect mosaic art portrait and get it framed.
Name an actual star after someone you love and remind them that they mean the universe to you.
Gift your loved one a unique mug personalised with 4 photos and a message.
A mug with your favourite dialogue and your favourite picture on it!!
Gift that awesome person a cushion customised with all the things which define him/her.
Gift that selfie addict person a surprise she will cherish and show off forever.
Gift a handcrafted caricature hamper comprising a frame, cushion cover and a mug.
Make conversations more fun with this unique pair of magnets customised with 8 photos.
Gift your loved one a customised cushion they will cherish and show off forever.
Gift a travel enthusiast a countdown magnet to track the days left to holiday.
An artistically designed portrait to turn your favorite photo into a work of art.
Name a Star after your loved one and get it framed with a constellation chart. You can personalize the frame with their picture too.